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From Extended Book Analysis to Mastery Courses
From courses designed to improve your Focus to books such as “Awaken the Giant” by Tony Robbins, we talk about a range of topics.
Focus Mastery - 10 Minutes to Total Focus
Learn how you can get your Focus back and achieve what you want in life
Awaken the Giant - Tony Robbins (EBA)
Reach your Full potential with Tony Robbins book called Awaken the Giant
Tactical Communication 1
Your 1 hour guide to Master and Influence communication
Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning. Why do we repeat History?
Synopsis Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning is an excellent book because it highlights human...
Anxiety is normal and often overcome with experience
I honestly believe that there is a built-in feature in us that protects us from physical pain. For...
Black Box Thinking – What Airplanes can teach us about Personal Growth?
If I told you that there is a method for success that you are not going to like. This is something...
5 Things I learned from the book called The Alchemist
There is an old saying, we should never judge a book by its cover. Now, it is easier said than...
Why do some people succeed? Is there a roadmap for success?
Principles of success by Ray Dalio What is success? What does it mean? How do you know that you...
Economy – What is the economy and how does it work?
One man's spending is another man's income - Ray Dalio Honestly, I have never asked the question,...
Who Was Marcus Aurelius? What Made Him Special?
States will never be happy until rulers become philosophers or philosophers become rulers. —PLATO,...
How To Stay Calm When You Are In The Moment? Use The Bus Method
How do you stay calmer? There are a million blog posts out there that will teach you how you can...
Why does our Mind Craves Chaos? Why Can’t we Stay Calm?
Let's talk about our mind and it's love or chaos. Let me know if this sounds familiar, you want to...
The Next 6 Months of Marcus Aurelius
A few months ago, I came across a book called Ego is the enemy from Ryan Holiday. It suddenly...
A 3 Step Guide to Stop hitting the Snooze Button
The snooze button is the biggest enemy of all. The reason I believe it is because it not only...
AARP Guide to be Beat Procrastination
AARP Guide for Procrastination Today we are going to talk about procrastination. I honestly...
Live a happier life with Flow – By Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Today we are going to discuss a book called Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. If you want to live a...