I honestly believe that there is a built-in feature in us that protects us from physical pain. For example, if we see something new, the brain says, well you might not want to do it as it is new and could be dangerous. This makes sense, but anything that helps you grow will cause some anxiety. I think this is the catch 22; we all want to grow but new stuff causes anxiety and then we don’t push through and go for our dreams.

But how do you push through then? If your heart is racing and every bone in your body is saying that you should run, how do you push through? From my recent experience, I think you need to be 100% honest with yourself. There are things you will be able to push through, then there are things that you will need help in and then there are going to be things where you have to burn the boats. I will explain a little bit more later about burning the boats.

You being able to push through

There are things that you already do that you can push through. For example, I hate doing laundry, but I can push through to get my laundry done. Well because I have to get it done. Sometimes we have external factors that push us to do things we don’t like to do. This is easy to do as if we don’t do them, there are repercussions. Often, we are not going to have a lot of issues doing these.

Employing external pressures and burning our boats

There are going to be things for which you won’t be able to push through. The best thing here to do is, to be honest with yourself. The more honesty we are with ourselves, the better we can do. These are the situations where you need to know yourself and know it is time to have someone hold you accountable.

Now, if you are 100% honest with yourself, in certain situations, you are going to have to employ the burn your boat strategy. This is a very important strategy as in certain situations, your need to run away is going to be so strong that you will not be able to push through. But, if you cannot push through and you have no way to go back, you are going to be push through that anxiety. For example, you want to grow but know that the new job is too scary. But in the back of your mind, you know it is important for your growth. Then, burn the boats and make it a way that you have no way out.

Well, that is all I have so far. Hopefully this helped.